dot mandala art WORKSHOPs at INNER HEART
Mandalas are powerful relaxation and centering tools which help us remain in the present moment.
Meaning "circles" in Sanskrit, mandalas are sacred symbols that are used for meditation, prayer, healing and art therapy. In clinical studies mandalas are shown to boost the immune system, reduce stress and pain, lower blood pressure, promote sleep and ease depression. Dot Mandalas are easy to be made, starting with a couple of circles and lines, the possibilities are endless. They help the practitioners focus one's attention, they’re a great exercise for calming down the mind in times of stress and inducing creativity. Among the many benefits of mandalas we have:
What does Dot Mandala help with?
WHAT WILL WE COVER IN THIS WORKSHOP? This 2.5 hour workshop will cover:
TUITION: RS. 1800 / PERSON for 3 HR Class & Practice Sheets. RS. 3200 Inclusive of Dot Mandala Tools. TO SIGN UP: Email us at info[email protected] and let us know which date you wish to participate. |
Drawing and Contemplating Mandalas are powerful techniques
in which you learn to relax consciously.
True relaxation is actually a systematic method of inducing
complete physical, mental & emotional relaxation